about Negative Ions
The old world meets…
Yin and Yang represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work. YIN represents the female, negative, darkness, softness, moisture, night-time, even numbers & docile aspects of things. YANG represents the male, positive, brightness, hardness, dryness, day-time. odd numbers & dominant aspects. Yin and Yang should be balanced to reach the "Chi", the Chinese word to describe "the natural energy of the Universe." The natural energy to permeate all things including the human body. Trouble, whether in the universe or in the body, is a function of disharmony, of things being out of balance and in need of restoration to equilibrium.
… the new world
Developed with the ancient Chinese Yin and Yang theory and awareness, the Hip-Titan Minus Ion Products are used as energy booster by many world class and leisure athletes but also by individuals. The compostion of our TITAN MINUS ION Wrist Band,manufactured in Japan are made of a specially processed soft silicone rubber, titanium, tourmaline and ceramic mixture granting your body the necessary minus ions. Depending on your ionic balance they may also offer you relief - we are all different. Minus ion technology is not a medicine (like aspirin), but are called the "vitamins of the air".
The Ions
Ions are atoms and group of atoms or compounds which are electrically charged as a result of the loss of electrons (cations) or the gain of electrons (anions). Ions are charged particles in the air that are formed in nature when enough energy acts. In other words Positive Ions can have a negative effects but Negative Ions can have a positive effects.
In nature we tend to find between a few hundred to a few thousand of these ions per cubic centimeter. Close to Waterfalls, you'll experience over 100,000 negative Ions per cubic centimeter. On the other side in a hugh city close to a freeway during rush hours the level is far below 100 per cubic centimeter.
click here to see a cross-section of a Negative Ion Bracelet

Negative ions are odorless, tasteless and invisible particles that we inhale in abundance near waterfalls, rain forests and oceans.
Scientifically they are molecules with an extra electron helping to allievate allergies, migranes and sinus problems. Once they reach our blood stream Negative Ions have a positive effect on the rate at which Serotonin is oxidized in the bloodstream, resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy.
Most of our time we spend in closed places. The air is charged with positive ions from air cons, PC, TV and other sources of pollutants. Researches has shown that polluted areas both indoors and outdoors with a low level of negative ions but very high level of positive ions that people may become very depressed. Unbalanced and high density of positive ions may cause negative mood, depression, fatigue, respiratory-related illnesses, headaches (migraine) and seasonal or permanent disorders.
Ion effect ?
Environments with negative charged ions may have remarkable effects on disorders. These high levels of negative ions are found at the beach, in the mountains, in the country, in pine forests, near waterfalls, and many other places.

A high negative ion exposure appeared associated with feeling better about self, less sensitive, and more responsive and energized. Higher concentrations of negative ions are essential and the impact may be powerful for high energy, a positive mood, the daily well-being and an enhanced performance of mental task.
Most authorities agree that ions act on our capacity to absorb and utilise oxygen. Negative ions in the blood stream accelerate the delivery of oxygen to our cells and tissues, frequently giving us the same euphoric jolt that we get from a few whiffs of straight oxygen.
Even Governments have been on the case for decades, with negative ion generators mandatory in German and Russian hospitals and installed on every US submarine since 1956. Even Luftwaffe planes were negatively ionized to prevent pilot fatigue.
Research as far back as 1932 labelled negative ions (mainus ee-ons in Japanese) the vitamins of the air, capable of reducing stress, lifting depression, relieving fever or soothing migraines by balancing serotonin levels in the body and halting the growth of bacteria.

Are there proofs for this effects ?
In the meantime there are more then 5000 scientific publications worldwide confirming the negative ion effects. Companies like Braun, Toshiba and Vidal Sasson use already this new minus ion technology against "flying and electrostatic hair".
What means HipTitan Brace?
"Health Improvement Power" Titan Brace
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